
What is a branding process?

The branding process is used to develop the identity of your business or product. This includes values, personality, status and graphical elements that make up the identity.

Why do a branding process for your business or product?

Branding gives your employees, customers, suppliers and others an identity, for your business or product, with values and a personality that they can emotionally engage with. Without an identity that has values and a personality, people inside and outside of the business will have lower engagement with the business or product is our crowded non stop business environment.

Who would benefit from a branding process?

All businesses that don’t have one or need to update their brand to better reflect what the business is or is about to become.

How long does it take?

For an existing business or product the process takes about 12 months. Only a small portion of this is consulting time and the majority of the process can be managed internally by the business. The consulting component takes between 2-3 months.

What is included?

The main elements of the branding process are:

  • Developing brand values
  • Developing brand personality
  • Determine core value
  • Name
  • Graphics
  • IP Management
  • Roll-out plan
  • Implementation
What is the process?

We start the process with a scoping discussion and a written scope document. Prior to starting the job we provide a letter of engagement, setting out the terms of the engagement. You will need to sign this document on behalf of your business and return it to Competitive Insights. Putting the document together requires access to internal financials and documents. In addition we will need to interview a small number of people who hold key positions in the business. We update with the key contact or group on a weekly basis and are available for discussion on completion of the document.

What do you get?

The output from this process is a PDF document, including all of the elements of the brand identity and the implementation plan, that is suitable for electronic sharing or printing. In addition to the document there are weekly progress/debrief sessions during the engagement as well as presentation/discussion when the final document is delivered. A more specific description of the deliverables is included in the scoping document.

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